It's been a long day, started out with some less than exciting discovery and continued on into a nice pleasant day with a tired and somewhat frustrating evening. Definitely not my worst day but it's up there among the tyring one's.
After the kids were all in bed and sure that they were sleeping I made myself a bath. I'm proud to say that it was a big girl bath. For me a big girl bath consists of bubbles that do not smell like bubble gum or some other fruity smell that kids bubble bath smells like. There just happened to be a sale when I was at the drug store one day on this floating (kinda always assumed bubbles floated anyway...) bubble bath that had a lovely calming floral smell to it. ah bliss
So bath, big girl bubbles, a mug of hot chocolate (diet of course and yes I do have diet hot chocolate, it's one of my fav's!) and a good book. A real book, different for me seeing as I've been reading on my kobo since this last November. I would never dare to take my kobo in the bath with me! I'd drop it and ruin it, no doubt.
I have been spoiled by the features I would have never guess I'd become dependant on. I never would have thought that turning a page as opposed to tapping the screen with minimal effort would have ever mattered to me. Yes kobo you have changed how I read now. I also found myself in a few instances resisting the look up a word with the dictionary feature. I seriously can't believe how many times I stopped myself from doing that! I love to look up a word to either learn the definition of it as opposed to assuming what the word means, or to just reassure myself that I knew the definition to that word. But anyway...... long story short it's strange reading an actual book compared to my little touch screen kobo.
ANYWAY, on to what inspired me to start writing this after 11 on a school night (gasp!).
I check on my children sleeping in their beds. OH MY WORD! I'm fairly certain there is not a parent in the world who can look at their sleeping child and not feel some sense of happiness. I look at their sweet sleeping faces, mouths open wide and breathing softly and think I cannot believe you were the same child who drove me crazy just a few hours ago! They look so perfect and peaceful sleeping away.
This moment of checking in on my crazy crew late at night before I get to bed is one of the sweetest moments of the day. All of the craziness that goes on when we're rushing to get out the door in time for the school bus (I don't know if we will ever get to the bus without one mishap. So far no amount of prep or early early mornings seem to help solve that). Then there's the fussing, whining, demands of the little one's who are not in school yet and testing you often. The moment when you have to wake said little one's from their naps to get the older one's from the bus, the homework chaos, one loves it, one detests it, one wants to get in on it with her older sibs and one who'd happily crumple everyone's homework, that's how he makes it special, lol Then there's some more time outs and spats while I'm trying to make dinner while a fussy baby, who is sick and just wants mommy, cries at the baby gate at the kitchen door. Phew, dinner is done, forget bath's tonight it's soo not going to happen! PJ's, brush your teeth, I already did, ok do it again, ok, cause you know she didn't actually brush her teeth. It's bed time, I don't want to go to bed, I'm thirsty, I'm hungry, I want, I need....... wait for it, wait for it...........ah they're all asleep.
Now at this moment I can't truly appreciate all the little hugs and I love you mommy's from the day because for some reason it's so much easier to let the craziness of the day to take over the sweet peaceful moments. Playing nicely, reading stories to the little one's, doing what they were asked the first time (this does happen and I loooove when it does!)
But when they are all tucked into their beds and I've had some mommy chill time I can absolutely enjoy the little moments in the day that have been over looked. Yes you were a doll and emptied yours and your brother's backpacks, thank you for your helpful consideration. Yes you were very nice to cuddle and calm your sister down when she was upset, thank you for your loving compassion. Yes you forgave your baby brother when he pulled your hair, again, thank you for your understanding and forgiveness. Yes you melted my heart when you crawled across the floor, pulled yourself up at my legs and gave me the biggest little toothy smile, thank you for your endless love.
All the crazy moments of the day are long forgotten and only the lovely moments we shared today linger as I stand over their beds with a goofy smile on my face thinking how amazing they each are. I am truly blessed to have the 4 children I have that are special and unique in their own ways.
Thank you Lord for trusting them to me.
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