Do you have a special nick name for your little ones? My kids each have their own nicknames but when herding children I need something to address them as a group. So I fondly refer to my kids as monkers, a combination of monkeys and monsters (we have several monsters in our house, tickling monsters, kissing monsters and so on...). Until recently all 4 of my children were monkers.
That is until the night we had turnip (AGAIN!) and I told my kids they're not turnips, they're rutabagas. No mommy they look like turnips. Well yes they are turnips (crap they're onto me!) but they're also rutabaga's. I told them with a isn't that super cool smile and nod. They seemed impressed and ate them, except Madelyn, no surprise there though.
Abby asked why I don't call them rutabaga's. Umm would you like me to call you rutabaga? Apparently yes.
So it came down to this, the girls will be rutabagas and the boys will be monkers.
I can live with that, although sometimes I do slip but the girls have not seemed to notice that I've called them monkers, not yet anyway!
Monker |
Rutabaga |
Rutabaga |
Monker |
What nicknames do you use for your children ?
WOW! Those are the cutest veggies I've ever seen! :) My dad has nicknames for all of us but they aren't quite as cute. Maggie became Maggie muffin, which was shortened to Muffin and then further shortened to MUF. Danielle became DWEEB. I am the proud owner of the nickname RUNT because I’m the youngest of course. Though we because we are twins we are commonly referred to as a unit, "runt & dweeb"! I'm not sure if Jonny has a nickname, although I have heard him called toe-head or "garbage disposal with legs" but i don't think that counts :P