Thursday, 12 January 2012

January Monthly Goal

I have decided that this is the year to seriously start knocking things off of my to do list. One of the MAJOR things on my to do list is decluttering and organizing things. Making sure everything has a home and everyone knows where it's home is.
Now when I say my house is a mess I don't mean it's filthy, it can definitely get filthy which is why the clutter makes it's so flippin' difficult to clean! It is seriously cluttered though. I'd post pics but it's really embarrassing. When people say my house is lived in I think yeah right my house is abused! I can sometimes maintain the main floor so at least it looks decent but if you go upstairs, in the basement or garage it's loaded with a ton of things that need to find a new home, preferably not mine! So I'm going to tackle a specific area or job at a time.
I think for January I will work on the upstairs hallway. Right now you could walk through it but you'd be walking on a layer or two of laundry. There's 6 of us here and we can pile the laundry like it's no ones business! Ideally there is to be a laundry basket in the hall and everyone's supposed to put their dirty clothes there and when it's full Jonny will take it to the laundry room for me. That was the deal when I was pregnant but I think it's a great idea so we stuck with it! lol

But this whole laundry idea is not working out like I had originally hoped. There is rarely an empty basket in the house. They're either already full of dirty laundry or full of clean laundry waiting to be put away. So then the laundry just gets thrown on the hall floor where the basket should have been and spreads from there to all the bedrooms and bathroom. Not a good idea. Some how last week there was a pee diaper that didn't make it to the garbage and it got squished under a pile of clothes. You know those little crystal thingies in a diaper that's wayyyy too wet? Yeah all over the floor and clothes and then in my washing machine. Cause I need more things to add to my to do list! I'm hoping that some inspiration will come to me to rectify the laundry piles in the hallway before I'm done clearing that space. Or maybe something will come to me on pinterest. There was one idea and I love love love it but it will take me some time to get to it. Just checked to make sure I put the proper link to give credit where credit's due and it's gone. Hmmm hope I can find it. Otherwise I'll have to do my best to recreate it.

Our upstairs hallway has several purposes, we have a shelf there that has DVDs, books and games and various other things that Jonny likes to throw willy nilly (it's a condition he has that I've named willy nilly, he will put things wherever! It's pretty annoying and part of my wish to have everyone know where things belong not just where they fit for now) and in the hallway we also have things that at the moment do not have a home. There is a table that used to be in Mason's room and several bins and baskets full of toys that need to find a home. There are some things that will be going to my sister and her husband for their next baby.

My goal is to get rid of the stuff that does not belong in the hall.  We will find a new home for the table, give the toys and games a new resting spot, other than the floor in front of the shelf, and see if my sister and her husband are ready for the bouncy chair and some of the other things going to them.

If you're reading this please take a moment and make a suggestion in the comment section below and weigh in as to what my punishment should be if I don't complete this task by the end of the month. Maybe I'll let the kids do my hair and makeup and post a pic or something like that! I don't know get creative but please be kind! Maybe I'll offer myself a reward if I get it all done. Rewards are fun, maybe I'll let the family members who voluntarily participate have a reward too. I'm thinking bowling, but I'm open to suggestions on that too but it should be kid friendly.

So wish me luck and leave your suggested punishment!

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